Monday, October 29, 2012

FREE All Natural Fertilizer Samples!!

FREE Fertilizer! 

So I have a black thumb but figured all you green thumbs could use these FREE samples of some ALL Natural Fertilizers.  You can snag it HERE! My man said when we get a house HE will build me a garden so I'm super excited! I love fresh herbs (dill being my favorite) but absolutely hate buying them at 3.00 a bunch at the store!! Leave your advice below so I can try to grow some herbs in little pots outside.. I sure need it!!


  1. Start them inside. We do ours (huge veggie garden every year) in the paper egg cartons, one seedling in each section. When you buy a large cake or cupcakes or whatever from the grocery store, save the plastic container. Poke a couple of holes in the top and put your egg cartons inside of it. This keep the moisture and heat in so you don't have as much risk of drowning the seeds before they get a chance to grow. To reduce the risk of shock when you transplant, start by taking the cover off to let them get used to the cooler air in your home. Next day transplant them into new pots by leaving the seedlings in the egg carton container but cutting them into individual sections then setting that section directly in the new soil. The egg carton will slowly become mulch itself and you never have to expose the roots.

    I'm a black thumb myself but my dad isn't. This is how he has started a garden every year since I was a kid. The stores also have peet cups that do the job just as well as egg cartons but honestly... Why buy something you could get for free?

    Oh! Don't forget to put a paper towel (folded up) in the bottom of the big containers you'll be transplanting to before adding dirt. Keeps it from falling out as you work with it and will turn itself into mulch within a week or two. We do this if we are fixing the pots inside.

    Hope all that helps!

    1. Amanda, This is amazing!! Thank you so much, you broke it down to where I can understand it. We might be moving soon but after that I will definitely have to try this as it'll be awesome if I can actually grow something fresh ;)
